Seagreen 1A has held a number of consultation events on the proposals to date. We will continue to consult on the development at key milestones and will keep the website updated with consultation material.
Seagreen 1A Public Consultation 6 - 27 June 2022
This consultation has closed but please use the Feedback box below for comments and questions.
A live interactive online chat session took place on Monday 13th June 2022 between 6.30pm - 8pm.
Consultation Feedback
Although the consultation closed on 27 June 2022, please use this feedback box to provide any comments or ask any questions on the proposed alternative landfall cable installation techniques.
Seagreen 1A Marine Licence Consultation - 13 May - 24 June 2021
The Seagreen 1A project has taken another step forward and has applied to Scottish Ministers for a Marine Licence under section 20 of the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010 and section 65 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 to construct an offshore export cable approximately 110 km in length, along with cable protection, in the Firth of Forth and Firth of Tay. The public notice can be found here and copied below:
The application is to connect part of the Seagreen Alpha and Seagreen Bravo Offshore Wind Farms (the Seagreen project) at Cockenzie, East Lothian.
The Marine Licence is out for consultation from 13 May until 24 June 2021 and interested stakeholders, organisations and individuals can view the application documents at the Marine Scotland website and we have uploaded the documents in our ‘Documents’ section of the website as well. The following documents can be found:
Marine Licence Application Form
Seagreen 1A Export Cable Corridor Pre-Application Consultation Report
Seagreen 1A Export Cable Corridor Non-Technical Summary
Seagreen 1A Export Cable Corridor Environmental Impact Assessment Report
Screening Opinion and Screening Report (contained in volume one of the EIAR)
Chart and WGS84 C-ordinates of the Offshore Seagreen 1A Marine Construction Licence Boundary (contained in volume one of the EIAR)
Nature Conservation Appraisal (contained in volume one of the EIAR)
Navigational Risk Assessment (contained in volume one of the EIAR)
Any representations should be made in writing to the Scottish Ministers by email to: MS.MarineRenewables@gov.scot or by post to The Scottish Government, Marine Scotland Licensing Operations Team, Marine Laboratory, 375 Victoria Road, Aberdeen, AB11 9DB. The Scottish Ministers may however consider representations received after this date. Representations should be dated and should clearly state the name (in block capitals) and the full return email or postal address of those making the representation.
The EIA report can also be viewed online at Seagreen 1A Export Cable Corridor | Marine Scotland Information. Physical copies of a short non-technical summary are available free of charge and full copies of the EIA report are available from Seagreen 1A (tel: 01738 340 397) at a charge of £115 hard copy and £16 on CD/USB stick (including post and packaging).
January 2021 Exhibition
Seagreen 1A held a virtual public consultation for the onshore and offshore applications from 11th January 2021 to 1st February 2021 and thank you to all of those who got in touch with the team and provided feedback on the plans.
The virtual exhibition included a number of exhibition boards and we have moved them to this page so the information is still available - please click here to go to boards. The virtual public exhibition also included a feedback form and live chat events to allow local communities, environmental groups and other interested parties to comment upon our onshore and offshore proposals.
Thank you again to all of those who provided input into the proposals.
In March 2021, Seagreen 1A submitted applications to East Lothian Council (onshore works) and Marine Scotland (offshore works).